19th P4EU meeting, Elettra Synchrotron and ICGEB -Trieste, 22nd-23rd May 2023.

The 19th P4EU meeting was kindly co-hosted by the Elettra synchrotron and the ICGEB – International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Trieste on the 22nd-23rd of May 2023.
The final agenda is available here:
Agenda of the 19th P4EU Meeting
Monday 22nd
– Pre-meeting workshop:
Perla Vega Dominguez-Presentation Currently Unavailable
Sonia Covaceuszach-Presentation Currently Unavailable
Lisa Vaccari
Barbara Rossi
Loredana Casalis
Annie Heroux
Roberto Santoliquido
-P4EU meeting:
Caterina Petrillo-Presentation Currently Unavailable
Natasa Skoko-Presentation Currently Unavailable
Paola Storici
Robbert Kim-Presentation Currently Unavailable
Fabio Lapenta
Frank Bernhard-Presentation Currently Unavailable
Johannes van den Heuvel
Ario de Marco
Svend Kjaer
Alessandro Scardua-Presentation Currently Unavailable
Luigi Angelo Scietti
Tuesday 23rd
-P4EU meeting:
Lara Dipace
Kim Remans-Presentation Currently Unavailable
Sara Raccovelli
Johannes Buyel
Kerstin Böhm-Presentation Currently Unavailable
Elena Garcia-Fruitós
Bjorn Voldborg
Ronen Tchelet-Presentation Currently Unavailable